Therapeutic Services

Therapeutic approach

Understanding why people suffer, how they change, and how to help them live more satisfying and gratyfying lives is a fascinating, huge and important undertaking
— John Sommers-Flanagan

Due to a large portion of my background and psychotherapeutic work being rooted in development, I  consider how interpersonal dynamics stemming from childhood, may have shaped the clients adulthood.

I work from the understanding that various early experiences, interactions and relationships throughout our lifetime become fixed in the unconscious mind. Most of these experiences and ways of being are often unknown to our conscious mind.

I work together with the client in a collaborative manner, to uncover patterns of behaviour which may have become unhealthy and unhelpful in day-to-day functioning with themselves as well as others.

I am determined to work with the client to better understand the unconscious processes often influencing and driving behaviour. I am very aware that this process may at times be quite challenging and often daunting, I am committed to creating an empathic and non-judgemental space for my clients. A space for them to bring their most personal and vulnerable selves. This allows the therapeutic relationship built between me and my clients to feel safe enough to explore the depth of the unknown.

Through this process, my sincere hope is that the client leaves with a better understanding of themselves, thus enabling them to make changes towards a more self aware and fulfilling life.


I provide both shorter and longer term in-person as well as online psychotherapy for adults. This includes psychotherapy for both individuals as well as couples. Although it is incredibly rewarding for me in working with all types of clients, I have a special interest in the following:

Parent-infant psychotherapy

Perinatal mental health

Women's health & Fertility

Postpartum depression

Loss and Bereavement

Mood Disorders (Bipolar and Depression)


Childhood trauma

Acute psychosis

Personality disorders

Attachment Disorders

Relationship difficulties

Dissociative disorders